Thursday, March 16, 2017

Job #3- Compare and Contrast

Compare and contrast the short stories and writing styles of Washington Irving and Ambrose Bierce.

The writing styles of Washington Irving and Ambrose Bierce are very alike in some ways and very different in others (I know, I just blew your mind). One similarity is that neither clarified the story a completely. I noticed how in The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Irving never made it clear who the headless horseman was. Instead he left it to the reader's imagination (although it was pretty easy to guess). Bierce also didn't solve everything in his story. Some things we don't know, like why Peyton was a target for the Unionists. Another similarity I noticed between them, was that both liked to use their writing to intrigue readers. Ichabod's plight from the headless horseman certainly gripped one's attention. The ending of Bierce's story likewise fascinated readers, although maybe in a different way.

Bierce and Irving also had similarities in their short stories. Some of these similarities include lack of dialogue. Neither author meddled much in that field unless it was absolutely necessary. Another similarity is description. Both had a considerable amount to say about the setting of the story. (Although Irving probably get's first place in that category). And, you know, both stories were relatively short (yay!)


Differences between Irving and Bierce's writing styles are existent to be sure. One of the differences includes the way that the stories were told. Irving told his story as an observer. Bierce, however, used third person omnipotent to better portray Peyton's feelings. I noticed also that Irving included a lot of detail on his various characters' backgrounds. On Bierce's part, nothing was said about anyone's background except the main characters, and even then it was only a small dose of information.

Difference's between The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge included the number of people mandatory for the plot. Irving's tale contained waaaaay more necessary characters than Bierce's story. Another difference is that Irving added in superstitious elements to his writings Whereas Bierce's story is bare of such elements.

Mrs. Jones, I hope this lengthy answer will release me from the Scotcharoo Ban. That's all I ask!

-The Desperado

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